Finding doctoral theses and postdoctoral dissertations
All doctoral theses (such as PhD dissertations) and habilitation theses (postdoctoral dissertations) published at the University of Rostock have been and are usually archived in the library. Dissertations written before 1959 can be searched for by author name in the Electronic Card Catalogues. The catalogue of "Rostocker Universitätsschriften" should be selected for the search.
From 1960 onwards, dissertations are included in the Regional Catalogue and are integrated into the results in a thematic search.
The catalogue offers the possibility of limiting a search in the Rostock University Library holdings to University publications. To do so, select "[HSS] Thesis note" in the upper middle drop-down menu.
Example: HSS habilitation* rostock
All electronic dissertations published at the University of Rostock from 2016 onwards can also be searched on the document server RosDok.
If you have any further questions about searching for theses, please contact the information desk.