Renewing A Loan
If you would like to renew a loan, please log in to your user account with your user number and password.
Once you log in, you will see an overview of all items you have currently on loan. Tick the box(es) next to the item(s) you wish to renew and click the button "Renew".
Once you are done, check carefully that the renewal was successful, then click "Log out and close".
You can also renew a loan in person at the library, at the self-checkout terminals, via telephone,or via email by contacting the relevant library.
Three days before a loan period expires, you will receive an automatic email reminder; however, we recommend that you also check the status of our items yourself on a regular basis.
Renewal not available
A loan period cannot be renewed if:
- another user has placed the item on hold
- the loan period was already renewed 10 times
- the item is more than a week overdue
- there are outstanding fines
- your membership has expired
- the item is an interlibrary loan