Kustodie (Art Collection)
The Custody (Art Collection) is a department of the University Archives. It is responsible for the University's cultural assets, promotes the use of the academic collections for research and teaching and supports the departmental collection officers.
Our holdings include the University's art collection with approximately 3,000 objects from the Renaissance to the present, including the Artothek and the Graphics collection of the former Institute of Art History; 130 portraits of professors, the University's insignia, busts, sculptures and relief panels, artwork from the University Church as well as building-related art. Our responsibility here extends to 22 listed buildings from the 14th to the 20th century.
Our core tasks are to preserve, describe and maintain the holdings, digitisation, and the presentation of the cultural assets.
Armin Münch Collection
Armin Münch (1930-2013) was a German graphic artist and illustrator. After his training as a commercial artist he studied at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts from 1950 to 1955. Afterwards he moved to Rostock, where he created his most famous graphic cycles, "Moby Dick", "Störtebeker", "Peasants' War" and "Joseph and His Brothers" in the 1960s and 1970s.
From 1976 to 1991 he was a professor at the Institute for Art Education at the University of Greifswald, and from 1996 to 2000 at the University of Rostock.
In 2001, Armin Münch gave the University almost 16,000 original drawings, which were expanded in 2013 by 364 works to form the „Faust“ cycle.
With the acquisition of the "Photo Eschenburg Archive" in 2005 by the University of Rostock, a photo collection unique to Mecklenburg was preserved in the state. This collection is currently being digitised and will then be made accessible to the public quickly and easily.
In Karl Eschenburg (1900-1947) from Warnemünde, Mecklenburg has a photographer who left behind interesting insights into the 1930s. What is remarkable about his work is a well thought-out choice of image detail and a skilful conception of composition. Impressively, Eschenburg succeeded in establishing personal relationships with his "actually so stubborn" Mecklenburg compatriots, which enabled him to capture them informally in their authentic surroundings.
The collection also includes photographic works by Wolfhard Eschenburg, Karl Eschenburg's eldest son. He inherited his father's love of photography and has rendered outstanding services to the collection, ordering and publication of his father's works.
Dipl.-Archivar (Univ.) Dr. Gunther Viereck
Tel.: +49 381 498-8620
Dipl.-Bibliothekarin Cathrin Frühauf
Tel.: +49 381 498-8795