Borrowing Books
Physical media can be checked out by members of staff at the circulation desks or via the self-checkout terminals. If you require assistance, please ask a member of staff.
Self-Checkout Terminals
The University Library has self-checkout terminals for borrowing books. To use these machines, you need your library card (employees of the University of Rostock and private individuals) or your student ID card. The touch screen displays step-by-step instructions for the entire borrowing process. If you have any questions or encounter a problem, please ask a member of staff for assistance.
Circulating Books
Books that circulate are marked "on shelf" in Discovery and "lendable" in the Catalogue.
Items from closed stacks can be requested via Discovery and the Catalogue. Learn more about closed stacks here.
All items carry colour-coded stickers denoting whether or not they can be borrowed. The following stickers mean that items can be checked out:

Reference Items
Items in our reference collection, such as journals, newspapers, loose-leaf editions, standards, most bibliographies, and course reserves, should be available to all users at all times and can only be read in the library.
Both Discovery and the Catalogue mark reference materials as "for use in reading room" or "not lendable".
Reference materials from closed stacks need to be requested for use. Learn more about closed stacks here.
These stickers denote in-house use:

Online Request Not Available
If an item cannot be requested online, please ask a member of staff at the Service Desk to order the item for you. Remember to have your library card or student card ready.