Overdue Items
Exceeding the loan period of books
Exceeding the loan period for any item results in a fine. Three days before a loan expires, users receive a reminder via email. Once an item is overdue, you will receive regular reminders to either return the item or, if possible, to renew the loan.
Fines accumulate as follows:
First reminder (after a week): 2.00 Euros
Second reminder (after two weeks): + 3.00 Euros
Third reminder (after three weeks): + 4.00 Euros
Fines can be paid cash or by card at the Education, History, and Antiquity Library and at the Campus Library Südstadt. Fines for which an invoice has been issued must be paid by bank transfer. Fines are applied according to the "Satzung über die Erhebung von Hochschulgebühren, Beiträgen und Entgelten" (Hochschulgebührensatzung), published in: Hochschulgebührensatzung (Universität Rostock – Amtliche Bekanntmachung (2017, Nr. 7, 10.03.2017; Anlage 3 (S. 6f.))
If you have questions about your reminder, please contact the staff at the circulation desk at each location in person, by phone, or by email.
Exceeding the loan period of long-term lockers
"Lockers that have not been emptied at the end of the loan period will be opened and emptied by library staff on the following day, without prior notice or request. Items collected are considered lost and found, in accordance with the University's house rules. Any items that belong to other libraries will be returned to them. Items borrowed from our own holdings will be returned to our shelves." (Extract from the "Nutzungsbedingungen für Dauerschließfächer".)
Every long-term locker clean-up undertaken by library staff results in a fine of 10.00 Euros. Should you fail to return the key of the locker within one week, you will incur an additional fine of 5.00 Euros (see No. 9 in the Terms of Use.)
You will receive an email reminder three days before the loan expires.